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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Which is the best school / college…

After summer break, the schools have just started in India and hence I thought I would write this blog.

The confusion many parents have is which is the best school or college (will refer as EI-Educational Institution going forward) in town.  How do you ascertain which is the best EI?  Is there any rating system available?  If yes, how reliable is that rating system and the ratings?

My wife and I always have argument on this.  She is so much into putting children into best EI and when I ask her the above questions, she very gently rubbishes me and tells me that I’m always against academic studies!  

Can we say the EI’s from which state firsts in 10th and 12th grade students come are the best EI?

Can we say the EI that produced successful businessmen are the best EI?

Can we say the EI in which famous actors like Kamal Hassan, Rajnikanth and others studied are the best EI?

How much role does an EI play in a person’s successful career?  Does the success of an individual solely depend on the EI?

I finished my 10th grade and 12th grade from a school in Chennai, which many Chennai citizens may not even know.  After studying in such school and finishing my graduation from Madras University (through correspondence), I believe I’m successful today in my profession.  If I can’t call myself successful, at least I can say I’m happy with what I’ve achieved professionally.

The schools I studied and the university from which I graduated did not teach me anything about newspaper industry, IT field, managing cine production company or logistics and supply chain.  I’ve been in these fields and definitely had more success in my current endeavor of being the brains behind running a huge logistics network (includes complete supply chain) for a big company supporting military troops.

Have earned a lot of Kudos for the successful completion of many tasks in many trying and otherwise challenging environments…  This blog is definitely not to boast my own achievements (or blow my own trumpet). My point is that the schools I’ve studied and the colleges/universities I’ve attended did not teach me the real life scenarios and challenges I would encounter. 

So, if schools and colleges are not going to teach you everything you would encounter in professional life once you choose your career, why look for “best school / best college”?  Why not study in an EI which gives you admission?

Recently, I was speaking to a friend of mine who was looking for his son’s medical college admission.  He told me the name of a reputed medical college in Chennai and said that it is very good college.  When I asked him how he formed that opinion, he told me “they charge ______ Rupees as capitation fee… If people are paying that much money to get admission in that college, it should be good”.

Is the amount of capitation fee charged by college, universities a scale for their rating?  If so, Madras University should be the worst since they did not take a penny from me as capitation fee when I joined B.Com. Graduation course… Did I choose the worst university for graduation? :)

Parents are willing to pay good amount of money as Capitation fee to get their children admitted in EI, which they think, is good.  Why pay capitation fee and then higher course fee (most of the EI’s that demand high capitation fee also charge high course fee) and then leave your children in the wide-open world to learn the hardships through experience and then excel in their profession?  If the world is going to teach our children all the experience and mold them into successful professionals, why worry about the EI they should join (or the parents wish them to join)?

I don’t intend to deviate from the topic of this post but what is Capitation Fee?? In my opinion, this is a beautifully coined word for BRIBE… If anybody disagrees with my opinion that Capitation Fee is bribe, I am more than willing and interested to hear their justification.

If we agree that capitation fee is corruption, who started it?  Who kept on increasing that amount?  Not just the EI’s… It’s we as parents who kept on increasing it by demanding admissions for our children in such EI’s.  I’ve heard parents say “I don’t mind paying little extra capitation fee to get admission in so and so college”…. So, we started this and now educational institutions are demanding…

There are lot of successful people who had very basic or no academic education in their life (examples I can immediately think of are MGR, Kamarajar, etc.).  I don’t want people misunderstanding me that I’m against education.  My point is education alone is not enough.

A lot of us will know people who have studied in corporation/municipal schools and have become successful professionals.  Unfortunately, there will also be failures from top-notch colleges / universities.  These successes and failures do not reflect the quality of the EI but the quality of the individual who studied there.

In my opinion, we should rate the teachers of the EI rather than the EI in itself.  My daughter went to a play school in Chennai before she joined her regular school.  When we finalized her admission in the school and asked her if she is excited to go to new school, this was the reply from the 3 year old: “I will go to new school only if _______ teacher from _____ school comes with me to the new school”.

I think this should be the most unbiased evaluation of a teacher since it came from a 3 year old.  Probably the kid admired and liked the approach and attitude of that particular teacher and got so attached to her.  Many of my relatives know that till date my daughter tells that she wants to become a teacher when she grows up and everyday after school she plays “teacher teacher” for at least 30 minutes… :)

So, like life being a gamble with lot of unknowns, I believe the EI we get our kids into is also a gamble.  Probably there are good teachers in that EI who will guide our children in the right path and make them stronger to face the real life after their educational career.

Probably a lot of parents (including my wife) have better understanding and scale to define which is the best university, college or school.  As usual, probably it’s me who is so confused and keep writing such lengthy blogs…

Is there anybody out there who will clear my confusions???


  1. Comment from Sangeetha Arunachalam (since she had some problems posting this as comment here, I am posting it from her comment to me in Facebook - I edited it a bit):

    I bet every parent will be able to relate to these questions you have put forth.. I personally feel that more than the reputation of the EI, the company in which the child gets educated is very important.. Bad company at a tender age can be very damaging to the kid's character.. As far as the level of education is concerned, a good student will be a good student even in a Corporation School.. A bad student will remain so even in a school from which AR Rahman hailed.. A reasonably good company of kids and teachers would be important factors..

  2. Sangeetha, absolutely spot on. That's exactly my point that the teachers, company and environment are more important than whether the children study in Harvard Business School or Corporation school...

  3. My current concern is about my daughter who studies in a "reputed" school. I had my person wait in the queue for more than 20 hours to get an application form. She is in her 1st grade now. What I have noticed is she is improving on her skills to draw alphabets and numbers and also mimic her teacher. SK, you have spoken about EIs not contributing to real life scenarios.... But what I see is that they don't even care about fundamentals... Kids draw their "A,B,C....Z" and "1...2...3"... They literally mimic when they recite what they hear without knowing what it is....Pathetic....

  4. Anonymous (if you don't mind, can you sign in and leave comment?),

    Please understand I'm not against academic education or education system in India. Education system in India will be totally a different topic on which probably I can write about 10 pages of blog!!

    You say your daughter is in a "reputed" school and somebody had to wait in queue for 20 hours. Who created this 'reputation'? We as parents created it.

    You think your daughter would have done any less in a school with lesser reputation? No, I don't think so and that is my whole point in this blog.

    If you are a Chennaite, a lot of parents want their children to study in DAV, SBOA, etc... To get into those schools, they stand in queue for hours together and I am sure many of them who give false address to fulfill 4 kms surrounding criteria and get their children admitted there.

    Does every child in such "reputed" schools get 95% or above? No, there are children in such schools who barely manage to pass the exams (what we call as border line students).

    Similarly, schools with lesser reputation also got students who score 95% and above in board exams.... So, the reputation of the school comes from the students who perform and IT IS NOT CORRECT TO assume children studying in reputed schools perform automatically.

    If you don't mind me giving a suggestion, look for another school where you know the teaching staff are very well qualified and put your daughter there. Again, the pitfall here is if the teaching staff change school, what do we do?

    Your daughter is only in 1st grade... For kids at that stage, teachers are like God and everything they say / do is the RIGHT THING... This will change once children grow and start to think on their own.

    I really appreciate you reading this blog and sharing your experience/concerns with me. I sincerely believe, I've helped you with something I've written here.

    Kind regards,

  5. Firstly, Kudos to your article!!! Good one!
    I really agree with your doubt and confusion on how we decide on the best EI?
    As Iam an incumbent now facing a similar situation: I say so, as I am looking for a pre school admission for my son, I looked on certain factors like;

    activities they involve the child into, their teaching patterns, number of children handled by a teacher, the spic and span environment of the school and of course the affordability of their fee structure.

    This is a very basic one. But as per your article, you had a doubt on how to rate which EI is the best.

    I have another basic question. Even before discussing on the EI, lets dicuss on what is E?

    Yes, what does the word "EDUCATION" mean? If we are clear about what is education, maybe we will have better explanations and justifications on deciding about the EIs our children have to join.

  6. Devi,
    Thanks for the kudos...

    I think I need to give a bit more thought before I write any further on "education"... I know many of us wrong concept of what is education and what should EI should do to our children.

    IMHO, for time being we have only choice of doing our home work right before we put our kids into school and then hope for best....

  7. Its a good blog and its very true that most of the parents go through this confusion when the time comes to find a school for their kids. EI's play a small role in the child's grooming and success in future life. As a young kid, the teacher plays a very important role as the teacher is more of a God whom the kid will follow blindly even if the teacher is wrong and if the parent tries to correct them! The teacher then plays the most important role in instilling the basic thoughts and foundations in the child's mind. As the child grows its more of the friends and environment that plays an important role. When the child matures, its his own will (and the support he gets) that helps him to excel and propel forward. I feel, most of the parents feel that the EI that charges more is a good EI because they assume and hope that they would employ a good teaching staff who have had a good track record. The environment would be better and will be facilitative and encouraging to the child. Its true that a child who has the will (and support) can study and excel anywhere irrespective of the
    schooling / education background he/she has had. But the foundation to be given is very important and thats where the parents get into these thoughts and 'confusions'. I'm also currently in the same boat!!

  8. Anu... Thanks for the comments....

    Basically, I wrote the confusions I also went through as a parent...

    Agree 100% with your remarks about children looking up at their teachers and making them their role model...

  9. Nice one Uncle every parent should think on this :) getting into the high level EI is not a matter we should be a keen obeserver always in both academic as well as in the market. Then only we can be highly productive in life!!! Teachers can teach us, parents will always guide us but the major thing remains in the student's mindset and how he/she is active in catching up the right things like a dry soil to the rain water!!! Here why I am indicating rain water means its a purest form of water by nature!!!

  10. Daddy, I'll give you a nice example..
    Akshita's LKG ma'am used to keep telling her to talk in English, but she used to talk in Tamil, if the student failed to understand.
    But now in UKG, her ma'am does not know Tamil well. The only way a student can get their message across in trying to talk in English. She not only tells the child to talk in English, she also follows it sincerely.
    Due to this, Aku comes home & happily tells us stories of what her ma'am & she spoke in English!! She looks upto her teacher & imitates her.. I can see her trying her best to talk in English when she plays 'teacher-teacher'!! :)
    The impact that a teacher has on a student lasts throughout their life! I have a couple of instances that have happened in my school life that prove the same!!

  11. Abi, that's nice to know... I can't wait to talk to Aku in fluent English!!! :)
