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Sunday, June 19, 2011

My life in transition

 This is another writing from my daughter Abinaya Kannan.  Since she has written it well, thought I will publish this in my blog...

Kudos to you Abi... Well written (both the articles).... :)

My life is in transition.  I’m moving towards a new phase in my life.

I’ve graduated high school & am going to step into college. I’m going to get rid of this ‘TEENAGER’ tag, as I’m almost 18. A young adult.

I’ve crossed many phases with different emotions. I’ve moved on from an infant to a baby, baby to a child, child to a teen & now, am moving forward in life. Though I am not aware of all the emotions, I can feel what the transition phase is putting me through.

Right now, I am uncertain about the future, confused, got my heart set at my goal & waiting to push through all that life has to offer me.

Transition is a part of life & with it comes adapting to the new ‘you’. Being a teenager gave me a greater sense of freedom & independence. It also brought in me the want to enjoy life & a sense of a little carefree nature. My parents molded me to the person I am today. Now, it’s my turn to mold my life to the form I want it.

Stepping into college makes me feel like I’m responsible for my life. It makes me more ambitious, assertive, independent & invokes in me the attitude to excel. College might be the place to have fun, as rules are broken & classes bunked. But it is also the place that will shape the future. It is what I do here that will determine how I will be decades down the line.

I didn’t achieve what I am capable of for the past two years. And right now, I’m glad I didn’t, as I have a greater urge to excel. I should be thankful that I have parents who will go to any extent to get me what I wish for. I’ve learned a lot over the past two years. When you’re easy on life, it gets infinitely harder on you. The path of life should be in your hands. Yes, be a path breaker.

I don’t know if this is what every teenager goes through when they’re entering college. I don’t know whether they enter with dreams to achieve. I don’t know if temptations take the better of them or whether their will power isn’t strong enough. But I just know what I am made of. I know where I want to be a decade down the line. I know that I listen to my heart more than my mind. If my heart lies in doing something, I know it’s close to me having achieved it!

It’s difficult for me to set my heart & mind into doing something, to tune into the essence of my life. But, only when a bee sucks a flower, there is pollen, nectar & finally, sweet honey. Only when life grinds you, your true capabilities are shown and life ends up being sweet honey.

Coming back to my life, I know that I’ve wanted to do Aeronautical Engineering, since I knew to dream. I’ve always had a knot in my stomach (in a good way!), a wide-open mouth, glittering eyes, a child’s fascination and a zap into the future, every time I’ve seen an aircraft. I’ve imagined myself in the cockpit, in charge of the beautiful machine, an instrument in my hands. Now’s the chance for me to achieve what I want.

Yes, my life is in transition, but I’m more confident about making this transition the best that has happened to me. A lot of my friends are getting into college & I hope they have the brightest future possible!

After all, it’s your life. You can make it or break it. Make it phase of your life favor you! 


  1. There seems to be a huge gap between your age and the maturity found in your writing.. Bet you'll reach great heights Abhinaya.. Good luck.. :-) And yes Happy Father's day to the very proud father.. :-)

  2. SK,
    Another good article from u r blog, she is really ambitous, u can b a proud father always!!

  3. Sangeetha... Thanks for the Fathers Day wishes... Yes, Abi is writing well...

  4. SaNZ... thanks... Yes, I am proud father of two angels.... :)

  5. Thanks for the comments!! :)

  6. Great going abi.. The fire in your belly has started burning.. Wishes for you to achieve all that you dream.

  7. Thanks a ton Devi!! :)
