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Sunday, July 17, 2011

Marriages..... My own view

Friends, after a long break, I am back to blogging... Been hectic couple of weeks (or more... I lost count) on the work front.  Last one week, my family is also here in Dubai and been very busy with them and having lot of fun.... :)

Thought I will write this blog as reply to my friend Sangeetha's blog about marriages.  Visit this link to read Sangeetha's views on marriages:  

In my opinion, marriages are a social event where you get to see and mingle with lots of friends and family members whom you may not have a chance to meet frequently.  So, the event should be memorable for all good reasons.

Apart from that, the way the marriage is conducted, amount of money spent, etc. depends on every individual's capability and their wishes.

I took care of all arrangements for my niece's wedding.  Wanted to make it a grand event and I think I've succeeded to a great extent.  Was involved in every aspect of marriage arrangement to ensure there's no room for any complaint from anybody.

Since I'm in logistics business and know what it takes to spoil a grand event, I ensured to get involved in all the details.  When the caterer {God bless him... When I wanted clouds, he was aiming for heaven and beyond !!!! :) } started explaining me the menu for the entire event, I started showing off my experience in food service industry.  Instead of regular juice or anything else, I told him we need to serve tender coconut juice (ilaneer) during the marriage.  The concept looks simple but I know it is very difficult to arrange tender coconut juice for about 1,000 people without it getting spoiled.

Result??? Everyone who attended the marriage appreciated it.  I even heard comments from some elders stating "in so many marriages I have attended so far, this is the first marriage I've seen tender coconut juice being served"... That satisfaction and remark gave me and the catering team a big boost.... :)

Similarly, a lot of other arrangements... I can keep writing but as usual didn't want to brag about things I could do and done... :)

My bottom line opinion is that spend all you can on marriages to make everyone happy.  After all it's once in a life time occasion for both bride and the groom....

As Sangeetha rightly said in her blog about marriages, the only thing many of us remember after some years about a marriage is the food... There's nothing else which matters.

About all other things listed by Sangeetha (I'm not going to list them here and make this blog look like a duplicate of that blog), it all depends on every individual.  If the bride and/or groom are not comfortable with few things, just leave it be. 

I think I've posted my opinions on this and as usual, look forward to comments / feedback and criticism from my friends.... Feel like I'm losing touch in writing blogs after this gap...

Will continue to write on other topics which I have penned down during this break.

See you all in my next blog....


  1. Hi SK..My daughter got married last Saturday, July 9th. I enjoyed reading this article....
    That was so nice of you to help you niece with her wedding. It such a joyous occasion..
    We had a blast at her wedding. I have some pics on my page. Ok talk to you soon,
    Your friend,

  2. Thanks Debbie... I saw the photos of your daughter's wedding... Convey my congratulations to her....

    I know you are one proud mom !!!! :)

  3. SK,

    I read yours and Sangeetha's

    Simple to say, one has to enjoy what he/she does in comfort and relaxed manner. It needn't be marriage even day to day activities. Marriage has caught the attention is because of the size by all means. Its all(galaa stuff) man created except the basic rituals.

    Why blame , enjoy as much as possible and keep moving on...

    Life is to enjoy in rightful way... so lets do that.

  4. Sri... I agree... As long as it doesn't hurt anybody, let us enjoy and have fun... :)
