Visitors so far

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A big Thank you !!!

Thought of writing a blog today but too lazy after I finished couple of projects I was working on.  There's been a bit of gap in my blogs due to hectic travel and projects.  Also, spent some good two weeks with my family here in Dubai :)

I was so delighted to see my blog page today and realize I've hit the 4 digits on readership!!! Yes, more than 1,000 reads as of today morning.

I am glad people do read my blog so much and also appreciate all the comments, feedback and criticism....

You guys encourage me to write more (this is official warning!!!!).  Don't blame me later that I didn't warn you.... :)

Again I will take this opportunity to thank few of my regular followers - Anu, Sangeetha (my official Ko Pa Se), Sriram and the recent addition to my readers list Jana... :)  You guys make the difference!

Thanks again for your interest in my blog....

Will be back soon with my blog (quite a few topics are already written half-way!).

Love and peace to all,


  1. Glad to read this.. Happy to be ko pa se.. but blogger inspiration i feel is mutual.. U also inspire us to write since u make it a point to write despite your busy schedule.. :-)
