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Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Human Moral linked to Kaliyuga?? Do you believe in it??

Hello my friends... I am really happy to meet you all once again through my blog.

Let me first warn my friends about something... This blog does not contain anything explicit in terms of language or any graphics or some 'gory' details.  But some of my friends may find the details listed in the links I have provided to be offensive or disturbed with the details provided in those articles.  I will keep this article as clean as possible without any explicit content or words...  But, use your discretion when you read those articles (for any of you who have drinking habit, a peg or two will calm you down šŸ˜†).

As usual, many of you might have raised your eyebrows looking at the blog topic... I've been reading the current trend on Twitter #metoo... This hashtag story was started by women from various profession who have been victim of sexual abuse.  As you read those posts in Twitter it was really shocking to see people who have been involved in sexually abusing women as an excuse to progress their careers... That's totally a different topic and pages and pages can be written.

As many of you may know, I am a big believer in Religion and God.  I do not differentiate between any religions but have great faith in Hinduism and try to understand the religion and it's scriptures as better as I could (limited only to my capacity to understand that ocean).

As I was reading about the #metoo stories and few other pieces of articles and news (which we will discuss later in this blog), the first thought came to my mind regarding how low and moral-less a human being can become referred my mind back to the word "Kali Yuga".

Just for everyone's better understanding, As per ancient Hindu scriptures, Universe is divided into four yugas (or ages).  These yugas are known as Satya Yuga, Treta Yuga, Dvapara Yuga and Kali Yuga.  As many of us may misunderstand, Kali Yuga is not based on the name of Goddess Kali but named after the demon Kali.  For detailed information about this you can visit the web site:

For those of you who didn't know about the various yugas, I have given below the details:
  • Satya Yuga lasted 1,728,000 years with average human life span of 100,000 years
  • Treta Yuga lasted 1,296,000 years with average human life span of 10,000 years
  • Dvapara Yuga lasted 864,000 years with average human life span of 1,000 years
  • Kali Yuga will last for 432,000 years with average human life span is 100 years (it is believed that towards the end of Kali Yuga average human life span will be 20 years or less).
From above, you can see that that scriptures say a yuga lasts longer and average life span of human beings is longer as we believe in Satya, Dharma and God... As our faith in Satya, Dharma and God reduces, the span of the yuga also reduces along with human life span...  God will take the avatar (reincarnation) of Kalki (like Lord Krishna to end Dvapara Yuga) to end Kali Yuga.

As many believe, the world or the universe will not be destroyed at the end of Kali Yuga.  Srimad Bhagavatham (Srimad Bhagavatham is believed to be written 3,000 years before Christ, roughly when Dvapara Yuga ended and Kali Yuga began.  Krishna Avatar marked the end of Dvapara Yuga and the beginning of Kali Yuga) describes the end of Kali Yuga in following way:
Lord Kalki will appear in the home of the most eminent brāhmaį¹‡a of Śambhala village, the great soul Viį¹£į¹‡uyaśā. Lord Kalki, the Lord of the universe, will mount His swift horse Devadatta and, sword in hand, travel over the earth exhibiting His eight mystic opulence and eight special qualities of Godhead. Displaying His unequaled effulgence and riding with great speed, He will kill by the millions those thieves who have dared dress as kings.
After all the impostor kings have been killed, the residents of the cities and towns will feel the breezes carrying the most sacred fragrance of the sandalwood paste and other decorations of Lord Vāsudeva, and their minds will thereby become transcendentally pure. When Lord Vāsudeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, appears in their hearts in His transcendental form of goodness, the remaining citizens will abundantly repopulate the earth.
When the Supreme Lord has appeared on earth as Kalki, the maintainer of religion, Satya-yuga will begin, and human society will bring forth progeny in the mode of goodness. When the moon, the sun and Bį¹›haspatÄ« are together in the constellation Karkaį¹­a, and all three enter simultaneously into the lunar mansion Puį¹£yā — at that exact moment the age of Satya, or Kį¹›ta, will begin.
For those of you who are interested in knowing about Sambhala Village, which is where God is believed to reincarnate as Kalki to end Kali Yuga, please refer to this site:   You can find some interesting information regarding how various religions believe that the new golden age (Satya Yuga) will start from this place called Sambhala.

Now, if we have to believe in the scriptures, which I believe very much in, (just not because of the religion I belong to but also there have been many proofs to make us understand that these scriptures were indeed true and have far too many references made in these scriptures have been scientifically proven) we have to believe that the Kali Yuga will end the way it was described in these scriptures.

Kali Yuga is supposed to last 432,000 years and currently we have completed only about 5,000 years of Kali Yuga.  If moral, faith, truth, dharma, etc. have gone so low in 5,000 years, can you imagine how we can survive the balance 427,000 years??  It's said that after the end of Kali Yuga (Kalki avatar as described in the dasavatharam), the universe will start again from Satya Yuga and the new life cycle of human beings and other creatures begin.

Srimad Bhagavatham, Chapter 12, Part 2 lists 10 symptoms of Kali Yuga... Read these patiently and we can co-relate these symptoms to what's happening around us in the world (refer this site for this info and some more about yugas:
  1. Bad Habits Replace Good - The most obvious one is the manifestation of their bad qualities (anger, unkindness, selfishness, cruelty) by humans instead of their good qualities (patience, kindness, selflessness and compassion). Mutual dealings between human beings is marked by hypocrisy. 
  2. Atheism scores over religion - Atheists may not approve, but choosing atheism or being a non-believer of God will become a much preferred choice as opposed to complete and unwavering faith in God as the Force behind all Creation (a foregone conclusion in Satya Yuga). It goes without saying that fewer people read or believe in the holy scriptures. Religion's mere use is for the sake of reputation. 
  3. Spiritual Leaders become rich - For those who are still on a spiritual quest, there's even more confusion. The spiritual leaders they are keen to follow, live in materialistic mansions rather than serve the needy, and don't have all the answers. Yes, pseudo-gurus are a growing tribe. And a man can claim to be a brahman or priest merely by wearing a sacred thread or religious robes. 
  4. Material things cease to satisfy - Despite the mad rush for material things, as the age of Kali Yuga progresses, the material possessions one accumulates, cease to satisfy less and less. What's even worse: they also come at the cost of spiritual virtues. 
  5. Humans lose their energy - In this age, not only is the average age of the human life much reduced, so is the memory and intelligence, besides the energy to achieve the same. People will be at the mercy of harsh weather - cold, wind, heat, rain and snow. They will be further tormented by hunger, thirst, disease and severe anxiety. 
  6. Less greener pastures - The reason for this is that even the bare necessities of life are hard to come by. The land no longer produces as many or as good-quality food grains. The trees grow shorter, and cows do not give as much milk as they used to and droughts and famines are frequent. The proverb "stay hungry, stay foolish" holds. 
  7. Princes and Paupers - Kings and people in power are no longer a class apart, with them behaving far below their dignity and choosing low occupations like stealing, lying and violence to stay rich. 
  8. Family ties gets chillier - Family ties, once close and caring, deteriorate fast, and soon, extend no further than one's mate, if at all even that survives the test of time. Men and women will live together merely because of superficial attraction, and womanliness and manliness will be judged according to one’s expertise in sex, and sex alone. 
  9. Wealth will determine power - Wealth alone will be the determining factor of what makes an ideal birth, behavior and qualities worth possessing. Law and justice too will be decided on the basis of one’s power. 
  10. Glib talk, The sign of education - Juggling words are enough to make one appear as a scholar. There is no need for real education as the hallmark of knowledge. The audacious will be considered as truthful.
Now, let's just think about those 10 symptoms... Even today (only 5,000 years into Kali Yuga), can't we feel that almost all of the above symptoms already exists??? How scary is that?  It is said that towards the end of Kali Yuga average human lifespan will be only 20 years (and some believe it will be only about 12 years of life span)!!!

Remember, Srimad Bhagavatham does not talk about any one country or continent.  Also, it does not talk about destruction of the world... It says that due to evil thoughts and actions overpowering the good, Lord will reincarnate as Lord Kalki and destroy the evil and new yuga will start.  Not just Hinduism, every religion (Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, etc.) talks about end of the world but does not have as specific details as explained in Srimad Bhagavatham.  So all above symptoms and end of Kali Yuga is common for entire planet irrespective of religion.

The first incident I read can be found in this link:  In this blog, I don't even want to describe the inhuman treatment the girl received, as I feel even writing about it is doing injustice to that poor girl.  Have a strong heart to read that story.

The second incident I read about is in this link:  A 4 year old was found with burn injuries and the 'parents' were absconding... I am ashamed to say that this incident was reported in Madurai, my birth town.  "Parents"???  Really???

Another piece of horrible news which I read could be found at: Before clicking on the link, if you read the website detail in full, that itself says about the case.  Forget about religion, belief, caste and all other BS... Is this even human?

Yet another piece of news, which made me think about all this and write this blog can be found at this link, which was published in September 2018: When you read it, for all of us who have heart, will have tears in our eyes.  A 50 year old woman was starved (almost) to death by her own brother.  He and his wife made her live in open terrace in the apartment and have served her only a slice of bread every 4 days!!!  Apparently, the neighbors were aware of this but never bothered about complaining to the police... This incident happened in Delhi, the nation's capital.  Since when did we become so cruel and heartless?

Now, after reading these heart-wrenching stories, many of you may think it's all isolated cases and very few individuals who have no heart or kindness would have done it.  I would sincerely pray for that to be true as every society will have some animals among normal human beings.  But do we want to blindly think that the above examples (not even 1% of actual abuse some poor souls go through is reported to the authority and made known to the general public) are just isolated and exceptions to the norm?  I will leave that decision to you all as you go on and finish reading this blog.

As I was reading on such topic for sometime to understand the downfall of human moral and basically human beings becoming so cruel and heartless, I found some very disturbing piece of information which was titled "Child Sex Tourism".... Startled by the title, I ended up doing my piece of research to understand this better.

A 748 page long study titled 'Trafficking of Women and Children in India' (sponsored by the National Human Rights Commission) has highlighted the following terrifying facts:
  • The study, which was researched by the New Delhi based Institute of Social Sciences, calls for greater international battle against child sex tourism.
  • The study states that "In India, the abuse of both male and female children by tourists has acquired serious dimensions".
  • Unlike what happens in Sri Lanka and Thailand, the problem has not been seriously tackled or discussed openly in India and has remained more or less shrouded in secrecy, making the likelihood of child abusers being caught and punished very low.
  • The silence of the community and it's unwillingness to speak out and openly discuss the issue has further compounded the problem.
  • According to the study, Goa and Kerala were the places often visited by tourists in search of child sex and beach boys, shack owners and former victims of pedophiles were facilitating the procurement of boys and girls for sex.
  • The study looked at human trafficking, sex tourism and ways of cracking down on sexual exploitation.  It says that women are sourced from within India, Nepal and Bangladesh and that even minor girls are being trafficked to places as far as the Middle East and the Philippines for prostitution as well as pornography, with the Indian law enforcing agencies looking the other way (remember a study sponsored by National Human Rights Commission, a government body, openly accused law enforcement agencies).
  • It is hard to measure the incidence of child sex tourism as it is difficult to conduct quantitative research on such a clandestine and illegal industry.  Qualitative research and anecdotal evidence suggests that child sex tourism is growing and spreading into different regions of the world.
  • There are fewer laws against child abuse in India and the beaches of Goa and Kovalam in Kerala are increasingly becoming the main destinations for those seeking children for pleasure.
  • There is a need for global co-operation to fight the menace of child sex tourism.  This is an internationally organized crime and a global perspective and coordinated plan of action are necessary to deal with it.
The above study was published in 2006 and the Government of Kerala and Goa vehemently denied the report saying it's inconclusive and biased... But the Governments didn't prove that child sex tourism did not exist in the country and didn't even bother to investigate this study further to ensure child sex tourism is indeed not practiced in Goa, Kerala or other parts of the country.

The Government of Kerala dismissed the study stating "Kerala has high degree of moral policing and hence child sex tourism is non-existent in Kerala".  But read this story in Hindustan Times dated 22nd January 2006 at the link: which says a different story than what the Government is telling us.  

Have a strong heart and read the above article... You will understand that Child Sex Tourism has been in practice in India for quite some time now... Not just Goa and Kerala but it seems this is being in practice in many parts of the country and it's scary.  On an average about 70,000 minors are abused annually in Mumbai alone.  Why India, suddenly? it is said that the earlier hot spots were Bali and Bangkok — crackdowns in both places have seen a shift in the trade to India.  In addition, Indian hotels and tourism are coming up to international standards. Also, India’s law enforcement is either ignorant, lax or corrupt (or all three).

I could find articles as far back as year 2000 identifying and warning the authorities about increasing Child Sex Tourism in India.  What did the local governments and national government do about this?  Probably very close to nothing.  Only Goa government has passed some laws against child sex (I'm not sure if those laws are being rigidly enforced) but many governments have ignored this and many states, which are identified in such studies, have dismissed the studies instead of investigating the possibility of child abuse and Child Sex Tourism.

A study says that Child Sex Tourism in India involves millions of dollars a year... This means, just for money, the goons, authorities and even the government has no interest in investigating this and curbing this serious issue as they all benefit in one way or other.  I believe the government and, in some cases, the public have Ostrich Syndrome when we talk about this and want to believe that this does not happen in our country.  This attitude will only allow this industry to further flourish and destroy the future generation of this country.

How can common public be responsible for this?  Very simple, we find any suspicious activity in our neighborhood, we can complain to police or child help line.  In the case of old lady being tortured by her own brother cited above, the neighbors were aware of this.  They could have called and complained to police or elders help line.  Why didn't they do it?  In this case, it's not mafia it's just an individual and his wife.  Why were they so afraid to complain?  Is it because "I don't care" attitude or should we blame it on Kali Yuga and console ourselves that this is what will happen in Kali Yuga?

If we are so afraid even to raise our voice against an individual to save a poor old lady, how are we, the public, going to fight a mafia involved in child abuse for their own perverted pleasures and money?  Remember, in this case, it's not just mafia but also authorities and people with lot of money power, muscle power and political power are involved.  Isn't it our duty to fight it or should we just ignore it and say "these things will happen in Kali Yuga"??

The first time I came across the term "Medical Tourism", I was amused and confused.  India has made considerable advancement in the medical field and many people from Africa, Middle East and other parts of the world come to India for critical treatments (another reason they prefer India is that comparatively it's cheaper in India than USA or Europe).  This is in their hope that Indian medical services can save their lives and lives of their loved ones.  Why should this be called as Medical Tourism, which the government boasts very proud of?  We can be proud that our medical science and technology has improved to world standards but we should also have sympathy towards people who come here from other countries for treatment and they should not be looked at as an opportunity to earn money for Indian medical industry and to the Government (in the tourism industry).  Why and when did we stoop so low?  Why we see somebody's ailment as an opportunity to make money (that happens with every hospital in the country even for our own citizens)?

Coming to the recent hashtag revolution in Twitter (#metoo), isn't it disgusting to know that many big names in the fields of Journalism, Cinema and Politics were involved abusing women against their will?  If the so called big shots behave in such a way, what do we expect from uneducated goons?

I have different view on this #metoo stories though.  I by no way support women being abused for any reason.  But read those stories by some popular women... Many of them say that it happened to them 5, 10, 15 years ago.  I agree that when the incident happens, the first reaction of the woman will be shock and speechlessness.  But, why didn't those women had guts to make it public the same day or next day?  Why didn't they expose those big names at that stage itself so that other women could have been saved from these guys?  (people have named Bishop Franco - this whole #metoo probably started after an allegation was made against him, M.J. Akbar, Poet Vairamuthu , Alok Nath and others) Was it the fear factor because of their social status?  In most cases, Yes!!  But, if we allow somebody to misuse their social status and keep abusing women, isn't it actually encouraging them? 

All above incidents are about being abused, exploited, etc. which shows degradation of human values towards culture, tradition and respect for law and co-living human beings.  There's another major part of such incidents, which is everyday affair in this country.

I am talking about the consensual sex...  Section 497 is recently modified to make consensual sex with other person is not a crime (remember in this country not even 5% of adultery cases reach the court so don't know how much this law was effective even it was considered crime as per the law).  Also, currently in this society pre-marital sex and extra-marital affairs have become acceptable, unfortunately.

Read this article  This article was written in the year 2004 and the call center's drainage was clogged due to flushing down of used condoms and also aluminum foils (used to inhale brown sugar).  When inquired about this, one of the employees in that Tech Park stated "Many of my colleagues are in romantic relationship at work. It may not always be serious, but I guess it's natural because we spend long hours together at work during day and night".  How did this youngster get an idea that if you spend long hours together, you can have physical relationship and that's alright?  Is that an acceptable reason?

Read this article  It describes why this habit is spreading.  Many youngsters from rural areas come to cities to work in call centers for a salary of Rs.20,000 or so per month and it's a huge salary compared to what they may earn in their small town or village.  This phenomenon of developing Call Centers and other BPO's have definitely played a big role in destroying the culture of this country and have corrupted the youngsters apart from other issues like urbanization and all.

Read this article published in "The Register" out of UK  The total tone of this article is to mock the Indians and their relationship in BPO's.  We can't blame them to be racist or anything as they have quoted the information found in the article published by The India Times.  What a shameful way to depict what's happening to the younger generation of this country.

Read this article by The Telegraph  This phenomenon of having "casual relationship" has really gone deep and wide.  I can probably give 100's of article references to show how bad the situation is but I think I've already given enough evidence to convince ourselves that this is a serious problem which needs to be addressed.

India is a country which was proud to be a country based on religion, scriptures, culture and rich tradition.  Can the same be said with pride now?  I doubt so.  I am a steadfast patriot and will not belittle or disrespect India in any way.  But the truth is bitter and we have to agree.

Now, it's not going to be 'scary story' all the way through Kali Yuga... Many of you might have heard about the term "Sanatana Dharma", it means Eternal Duty or Duty of God. This Duty of God is shared, not just by Hindus, but by all beings in creation, including gods and the rest of the humanity. Dharma is also used in reference to any set of moral and religious laws and principles that govern religious duty and human conduct upon earth. Hence, in popular usage dharma is often interpreted as morality or religion rather than duty. The essential purpose of dharma is to protect the order and regularity of the world through specific obligatory duties (or actions) in which morality and religion are the means or the guiding factors.  As you can clearly see it does not pertain just to Hindu religion.  Each religion has defined this with different name but the foundation is the same.

Even in Kali Yuga, there will be gurus who will be guiding the public in order to follow the Sanatana Dharma as when and when the moral and dharma levels hit low.  The recent such knowledge we have of Guru is Adi Sankaracharya Bhagavadpadha...  As per the scriptures available, he is believed to be the reincarnation of Lord Shiva in order to revive the Sanatana Dharma in this planet.  Sri Sankara consolidated the doctrine of Advaita Vedanta and have also established Mutts across India to spread Sanatana Dharma.

Such Gurus are the interim remedy provided to face the challenges of Kali Yuga and also to guide people who do not engage in any sinful activity or who wants to follow dharma (be it in any religion).  Such souls have to be preserved and hence these Gurus will guide the mankind through it.

I believe that all religions had such gurus (reborn to enforce dharmas and guide the mankind in right direction) and many religions were founded by such gurus... Jesus Christ, Prophet Mohammed (PBUH), Gowthama Buddha, Mahavir Jain are all some examples of such avatars who wanted to guide the mankind in the right direction in their own faith and belief.  I am sure in the remaining 427,000 years of Kali Yuga, there will be much more such Gurus and prophets to guide the good souls through and brace them to live through the difficult periods of Kali Yuga.

Yes, this blog has combined social evils with religious scriptures.  But what's the solution to fight these social evils?  This will definitely be an uphill task as it has to be an unified force to fight this monster.  Majority of people are becoming more materialistic and are willing to do anything for money.  Changing this attitude of people (who are large in numbers now) is definitely a big challenge and we all wish that somehow the cruelty towards younger generation is curbed.  Let us hope that the system changes and curbs the evil, that's the only possible human solution without totally depending on Religion and/or God.

Not just the above social evils, we now don't even have fear of God... I am currently reading a lot about the idol thefts from temples in India and particularly in Tamil Nadu (soon you can expect a blog from me on this)... The details of such idol thefts make me believe that we just don't respect fellow human being, but have also lost faith and fear of God...

For my friends who may not believe in God or religion, I would love to state a short story (can't be called as a joke) I have read a long back but etched in my mind for the deep impactful meaning it had.  Read on:

Three friends (one is a world-renowned doctor, second is a noble prize winning scientist and third is the best engineer this mankind has seen) sitting together and talking about the achievements they have done in their respective fields and boasting about their own inventions.  Suddenly, all three realized that they can do anything possible in the world and decided that this planet doesn't need God anymore.  Once they all agreed on this, they decided to meet God and tell him to take rest as humans have mastered everything and so they went to meet God and the following conversation happened:

God:  Welcome to you all and I am glad to meet you.  Why did you all want to meet me?

Doctor:  God, you know I am the best doctor to have ever born and probably nobody else will ever have the knowledge and skills I have.  I have mastered every surgery possible, every treatment possible and have also mastered the art of cloning.  I don't think medical profession needs God as we can take care of ourselves now.

God:  That's very nice to hear that humans have advanced so much in their knowledge.  Let me hear what the scientist has to say.

Scientist:  God, we have mastered everything that once was a mystery.  We have understood and even measured the Galaxy, the planets within this galaxy, we have sent satellites to every planet within this solar system and have also understood and know about the galaxies which exist beyond this galaxy (Milky Way).

God:  I am so very happy to hear that the science have discovered so much which was once thought to be only the knowledge I have.   Let me now hear the achievements from the Engineer.

Engineer:  God, we have absolutely understood everything ever created in the earth...  We can build bridges across continents and have mastered the art of building in the oceans and have scaled the mighty mountains and peaks to build architectural wonders.  We can recreate anything... So, we all believe that we do not need you anymore and you should go and take rest.

God: I am really relieved to know that you all can manage this planet and do not require me anymore.  But just for my own reconfirmation, can you please recreate this earth which I created from a ball of clay?  So that I can be sure you can protect it and manage it.

Engineer:  That's very simple and I will do it... {He bent down and took a handful of clay...}

God:  Put that clay down....  Make your own clay... That's how you should create as I did.

Moral of the story is, the modern science does not believe in God and Religion but cannot explain many things happening in the planet with a concrete evidence.  The reason?  We, the human race, have lived in this planet for a very short time compared to the time this universe has been in existence and we, human race and the planet doesn't even compare to a tiny spec compared to the vastness of this universe.  Some may call that supreme force as God, some may call it Nature or with any other name...   The Science has named the ultra-high-energy-cosmic ray as "God Particle" (didn't science find better name?).  This ray is supposed to be the key as to how the universe was born... For any of you interested to know more about God Particle, you can search the Net...

I am quite sure the blog has been long but unfortunately, we cannot pin point a solution to this crisis of decreasing moral values, tradition and exploitation of the weak and needy as our powers are very limited compared to those who are involved in this... Only time has to prove that our generations will be safer and will have peaceful life without living among monsters and fearing the man-made monsters and constantly living in fear.

HE KNOWS PEACE, WHO HAS FORGOTTEN DESIRE - This is a saying in Bhagavad Gita.  I believe many religions preach us to give up unwanted desires, as desire is the root cause for all the sufferings and sinful activities....

Would love to hear comments / criticism / feedback from my friends...

Peace to all.... šŸ’–

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