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Monday, July 2, 2012

Misguiding Media ???

Media (here I’m talking about newspaper, magazines, etc.) was once considered as pulse of the people.  But can we say the same about media now?

Now, people react to what’s being broadcast by the media.  If the media stops broadcasting the issue, people tend to forget it.  So, media is playing the public, which is convenient for them to increase their sales and also to help the political parties they are affiliated to.  Like any other industry, media has also now become a business.  Media does not work anymore in the interest of public.  The social responsibility of media is long dead.

Recent examples of mass public reaction to the issues, which were hot in the media:

(1)  Koodankulam Nuclear power project – I do not see any FB, Twitter or other social media frenzy by public on this.  Is this because the media has blacked-out this issue recently.  How much of reaction from public just sometime ago on this when media was flashing this news as if this project was some national disaster.

(2)  Mullai Periyar dam issue – Every printed and visual media was carrying this as their cover story for quite some time.  All Keralites in social media network were almost anti-Tamilians.  There was a huge outcry to save Kerala and the dam.  Now, I do not see any such outcry or coverage on media.  If the dam has already been fixed, I am the one to be blamed to be out of date in such a serious issue.

(3)  Anna Hazare and Lokpal Bill – This issue seems to be seasonal for media.  When they do not have any other hot topic, Anna Hazare and Lokpal finds the headlines and people start to protest against the Government (in social networks and other forms) and Anna Hazare is made to be believed like God and savior of the country.  When media gets some other hot topic, Anna Hazare and Lokpal bill is forgotten by them and duly by public also.

(4)  2G Scam – Another seasonal product for both media and public.  When some news is published in media on this, the public starts to react.  News changes and so does public.

The list will go on.  Media is playing the public and I do not have any doubt in my mind about that.

Recent frenzy on all social media sites were about Sachin Tendulkar rejecting the offer to have the Government house in New Delhi under his MP quota.  Good gesture from Sachin, no doubt (I only hope he doesn’t claim reimbursement from Government for his hotel bills!)…

But the same Sachin, declared that he is AN ACTOR AND NOT SPORTSPERSON in front of Income Tax tribunal just to avoid paying some extra tax… Why this didn’t make it to headlines and create frenzy.  Income Tax department accepted his argument and IT waiver was granted.  Sachin’s MP post is due to his contribution to the game of cricket.  The guy himself declared that he’s an actor who plays cricket as ‘part time’ (he himself stated he is “non-professional” cricketer) gets MP post and we all are very proud of it.

News on Sachin’s statement of IT Tribunal can be found in below web site:

Indian public and media did not bother to protest against Sachin for this… Why? Is it because he is a celebrity? Is it because media is too afraid to publish anything which will tarnish the image of Sachin, which will result in protest against media by Sachin Fan(atic)s!!!

Also, I cannot believe majority of Indian public are so ignorant.  The recent frenzy in social network from public is to make Dr. Kalam as the president of India is a great example.

Where does these people get the idea that by ‘sharing’ and ‘liking’ a photo of Dr. Kalam will make him eligible to become a Presidential candidate?  The post of Indian President has mostly been a ‘rubber stamp’ post and decided by the ruling and opposition parties of the parliament.

I have great respect for Dr. Kalam as an individual and scientist.  I do agree he’s a very simple and great man.  But, my question is what changes or achievements has he done in Indian political scene when he was a president?  He was very simple, did not waste government money, etc.  but does that alone qualify him to become a president again?  There are many people in this society who are humble, honest and straightforward.   These qualities alone cannot be a criteria for somebody to become a president.

While writing this blog about media, a thought came to my mind and wanted to check the ownership of some of the popular medias in India.  This is what I found in below website:

I do not claim any authenticity for accuracy of information below.  This is what the above website says in terms of ownership of Indian media:

Who owns the media in India?

There are several major publishing groups in India, the most prominent among them being the Times of India Group, the Indian Express Group, the Hindustan Times Group, The Hindu group, the Anandabazar Patrika Group, the Eenadu Group, the Malayala Manorama Group, the Mathrubhumi group, the Sahara group, the Bhaskar group, and the Dainik Jagran group. Let us see the ownership of these media agencies.

NDTV: A very popular TV news media is funded by the Gospels of Charity in Spain, which supports Communism. Recently it has developed a soft corner towards Pakistan because the Ex-President Musharraf had allowed only this channel to be aired in Pakistan. Indian Division CEO Prannoy Roy is the co-brother of Prakash Karat, General Secretary of Communist Party of India. His wife and Brinda Karat are sisters.

India Today which used to be the only national weekly who supported BJP is now bought by NDTV and since then the tone has changed drastically and turned into Hindu bashing. No prizes for guessing why.

CNN-IBN: This is 100 percent funded by Southern Baptist Church with its branches all over the world with HQ in US. The Church annually allocates $800 million for promotion of its channel. Its Indian heads are Rajdeep Sardesai and his wife Sagarika Ghosh.

Times group list: Times Of India, Mid-Day, Nav-Bharth Times, Stardust, Femina, Vijaya Times, Vijaya Karnataka, Times now (24- hour news channel) and many more. Times Group is owned by Bennet & Coleman. ‘World Christian Council‘ does 80 percent of the Funding, and an Englishman and an Italian equally share balance 20 percent. The Italian Robertio Mindo is a close relative of Sonia Gandhi.

Star TV: It is run by an Australian, who is supported by St. Peters Pontificial Church, Melbourne.

Hindustan Times: Owned by Birla Group, but hands have changed since Shobana Bhartiya took over. Presently it is working in Collaboration with Times Group (refer above).

The Hindu: English daily, started over 125 years has been recently taken over by Joshua Society, Berne, Switzerland. N. Ram’s wife is a Swiss national.

Indian Express: Divided into two groups: The Indian Express and The New Indian Express (southern edition): ACTS Christian Ministries have major stake in the Indian Express and later is still with the Indian counterpart.

Andhra Jyothi: The Muslim Party of Hyderabad known as MIM along with a Congress Minister has purchased this Telugu daily very recently.

The Statesman: It is controlled by the Communist Party of India.

Kairali TV: It is controlled by the Communist Party of India (Marxist)

Mathrubhoomi: Leaders of Muslim League and Communist Leaders have major investment.

Asian Age and Deccan Chronicle: Is owned by a Saudi Arabian Company with its chief Editor M.J. Akbar.

I only hope media goes back to it’s golden age of being “people’s voice” to really reflect the society’s problem and mistakes made by the Government.

It’s a wish…. I only hope this wish is granted!